And as helpers, we beseech of you that the grace of Aloha which you have received be not made ineffectual 1 in you. For he hath said,
In the time acceptable I have heard thee,
And in the day of salvation I have helped thee.
Behold, Now is the time acceptable; behold, Now is the day of salvation. Nor in any thing give to any man occasion of stumbling, that no blemish may be upon our ministry; but in every thing will we demonstrate ourselves that we are the ministers of Aloha; by much patience, by afflictions, by necessity, by imprisonments, by stripes, by chains, by tumults, by labour, by watching, by fasting, by purity, by knowledge, by prolonging the mind, by benignity, by the Spirit of Holiness, by love without deceit, by the doctrine of truth, by the power of Aloha, by the arms of righteousness for the right hand and for the left, by glory and by shame, by praise and by abuse; as deceivers, and true; as unknown, and yet we are known; as dead, yet, lo, we live; as chastened, yet we die not; as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet many making rich; as having nothing, yet possessing every thing.
XI. 6:11
OUR mouth is opened to you, Kurinthoyee, and our heart expanded. You are not constrained 2 in us, but you are constrained 2 in your own bowels. But as unto (my) children, I say to you, Render to me my gains which are with you, and expand your love towards me. And be not sons of the yoke with them who believe not. For what participation hath righteousness with iniquity ? Or what commixture hath the light with darkness ? Or what concord 3 hath the Meshiha with Satana ? Or what portion hath the believer with the unbeliever ? Or what union hath the temple of Aloha with (that) of demons? For you are the temple of Aloha the living; as it is written,
I will dwell in them, and walk in them;
And I will be their God,
And they shall be to me a people.
Wherefore come out from among them,
And be separate from them, (saith the Lord,)
And the impure touch not;
And I will receive you,
And I will be to you a Father,
And you shall be to me for sons and daughters,
Saith the Lord, who holdeth all.
1 Lo testaraq.
2 Or, contracted, cramped.
3 Or, peace.